Young Lasallians attend the Synod opening event

Today the lasallian comunities in Rome took part at the Synod event “Together. Gathering of the People of God.” We did a wounderful pilgrimage starting from the Colosseum to St Peter reflecting upon the three pillars of the lasallian charisma: faith, service and fraternity! Once in St Peter, we prayed on the notes of Taize canons together with all the cristian faith and their most important delegates, from Sri Lanka to Armenia, from South Korea to Etiopia. Finally we hear truly inspiring words from Pope Francis who said “We need to rediscover silence, shut up the noises that surround us, and find again the gentle whisper of Elijah among” and finally “This Synod’d be the kairos (the right moment) of a true fraternity”
Vincenzo Rosati