Feast of Saint John Baptist de La Salle

15 May 2019
Dear Brothers, Partners, Students and Members of the Lasallian Family,
Today we joyfully celebrate the memory and legacy of John Baptist de La Salle. We prayerfully recall that he was impelled by the Holy Spirit to announce the Gospel to the poor. We gratefully acknowledge that he sowed the seeds for today’s flourishing Lasallian ministry of human and Christian education. We sincerely thank him for founding the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and for inspiring Brothers and Partners to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ. We enthusiastically join our students in meditating on the Word of God and serving as agents of the Good News.
Today and during this Lasallian Jubilee Year let us increase both our efforts to insure that our educational communities continue to be experiences of the presence of God and to encourage young men to become Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Happy feast day!
Brother Robert Schieler, FSC
Superior General