Our best wishes for a year of peace !

This is undoubtedly a peculiar year, when it seems that the death of the Holy Innocents preceded Christmas…

Our Europe-Mediterranean region is at the heart of the turmoil: refugees are arriving in large numbers on the coasts of Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain, still mourning those who did not survive the journey; Syrian refugees are arriving in Turkey and Lebanon; the violence in Israel and Palestine is unleashed; the Ukrainian conflict continues to exile families, particularly to Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Poland… There’s no need to go on with the list: it’s enough to show that all Districts of RELEM are affected.

How can we be, in all these places, signs of hope, outstretched hands, tangible proof that violence does not have the last word? Michel Scouarnec’s song still rings out with the same acuity:

Will we leave in our churches a little space for the foreigner?

When he comes, will he find hearts of poor and hungry?

Don’t let the earth die, don’t let the fire die :

stretch out your hands towards the light, to welcome God’s gift.

Happy Christmas, welcome par excellence to the Prince of Peace.

May God grant us, throughout 2024, the grace to be workers of his Peace!

Br Joël, Jean, Tomeu and Br Enrico

The MEL Council works on our next assembly

On Tuesday 12 December 2023, the MEL Council met in Rome, at our Generalate, to finalise the details of the next MEL Assembly of the Region, which will be held in Rome from 26 February to 1 March 2024.

The Councillors approved the working proposal drawn up by the Preparatory Commission, and raised a number of questions that remain to be resolved. In fact, there are many specific issues relating to logistics, hospitality, communication, etc. which always require a great deal of work in the weeks leading up to the event. Committees have been set up to carry out these tasks, and the two months we have left before the event are going to be busy.

In any case, participants can look forward to an important time for the future of our Region, but also a time of conviviality and getting to know each other, a guarantee of future collaborations.

The next meeting will be a virtual one: all the participants will meet virtually on Monday 18 December to get into the spirit of the meeting and receive the information they need to prepare themselves as well as possible.